Hello, I’m Claudia.
Highly sensitive person & introvert in today’s stressful world
I don’t know about you, but I’ve found being a highly sensitive person and an introvert in today’s loud and busy world often quite stressful and sometimes overwhelming.
I love keeping life simple and quiet and living life at a more natural pace. I’ve always known that. But in my teen and adult years I didn’t give myself permission to live accordingly. I thought (for an embarassingly long time) I had to outgrow that idea to be successful in this world or at least to be okay, to fit in and to make a living.
After decades of trying that ended in burnout / nervous breakdown / complete exhaustion in my mid-40s, I finally stopped putting pressure on myself and started shaping my life according to what I really want and need.
Keeping life simple, slow and quiet
After quitting my dream job and a year off to recover from that mentioned breakdown, I finally feel like being me again after all those years. I’ve started to build a simple, slow and quiet life that really suits me as a highly sensitive person and an introvert, a life that I love every day (well, most days) and that doesn’t wear me out.
It has been quite a liberating journey – and it’s not over yet.
I am looking for a way of life that is closer to nature and suits me best.
Books, books, books - I LOVE reading!
I’ve always been a book person.
I’ve loved books and reading from very early on.
Reading has always been a pleasure and a delight, but also a beloved and much needed safe haven from a loud world. At the same time it has been a wonderful way to learn so much about the world in all its aspects.
It was (kind of) inevitable that books became my profession in one way or the other.
I got a Master of Arts’ degree in German language and literature studies. I worked (among other things) as a bookseller and as a librarian. And I loved it!
I also became a published writer. (If you want to learn more about my published work, you are very welcome to visit my website.)
So, books have always played a huge part in my life. There have been so many and diverse books that have moved me, excited my, made me laugh, made me think, taught me something, opened whole new worlds for me.
I’d love to share my reading adventures with you along the way. Stay tuned!
A new start - Happy Quiet Life
I’m very much looking forward to this new chapter in life.
And I’m so glad you are here!
What to expect and to look forward to:
Personal reflections from an introverted HSP’s point of view on an often stressful modern world that comes with its challenges.
Musings on my way of living a slow, simple & quiet life – and why it’s a very happy life for me.
Stories of my quest for a life closer to nature.
My monthly reading adventures (aka book reviews). From children’s books to novels and non-fiction, I read very broadly. At the moment I have a particular fondness for nature books and travelogues, but I’m always curious to discover and follow up on something new, so expect the one or the other special edition on a topic.
Interested? Fancy more? You may dive right in …
Want to get in touch? I’d love to hear from you!